Friday, October 7, 2011

exercise 5



1. Using a stick, punch hole starting from the top most of the fruit until the stick passes thru the other end of the fruit. This would simulate your globe.
2. Without removing the stick, draw a line around the center of the fruit. This would serve as the EQUATOR of your globe.
3. Draw also 2 more lines around your globe. One above the equator which would serve as the Tropic of Cancer, and the other one below the equator serving as the Tropic of Cancer.
4. On a sheet of paper, draw an ellipse that would serve as the Planet’s orbit. Your small flashlight will be positioned at the center of your ellipse. This would serve as the sun.
5. Locate in your globe the Position of the Philippines (above the equator and below the tropic of cancer). Mark it with P. Do the same for the countries USA (mark U above the tropic of cancer) and Australia (mark A below tropic of Capricorn)
6. Place your globe along the line of your ellipse. Tilt the globe in such a way that the light from the flashlight hits the zone below the equator and above the topic of Capricorn. Be sure the light hits Australia in your globe. Position the globe at the rightmost region of your ellipse. This indicates the date of December 21. What is the season in Australia, in USA and in the Philippines?
7. Move your globe along its orbit counterclockwise, without changing the position of your tilted globe, until you arrived at the top most part of your ellipse. Light your globe using flashlight or cellphone light. The Date is now March 21. What is the season in USA? Australia, and the Philippines?
8. Repeat step 7 this time your globe should arrived at the leftmost part of your ellipse. The date is now June 22. What is the season in the 3 countries?
9. Do step 7 this time your globe should have arrived at the bottom part of your ellipse. The date is now September 22. What’s the season?

Table 5.1 Different Seasons in three Different Countries

Dec 21
March 21
June 22
Sept 22

1. Summer in the Philippines usually starts at April. Assume the position of April in your Orbit? Does it coincide with the right season in your globe? Why or why not?
2. Explain the reason why the Philippines experiences longer nights hours during January and longer day hours during June
3. What can you say about the seasons in Australia and USA? Are they the same at a specific date? Explain the reason behind it.
4. Why do Australia and USA have 4 seasons while the Philippines only have 2 (wet and dry)? Is it connected with the globe’s position? Explain further.
